Your infrastructure and applications can be delivered quicker and more effectively.

Give the customer exactly what he needs, and do it even faster and better.
Differentiation in many sectors today is focused on the digital consumer experience rather than the product itself. Furthermore, there is growing demand to introduce new features and applications more quickly. And all of this without incurring any extra costs in the long run.

Throughput times are shortened and staffing costs are reduced as distribution is streamlined with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD). At the same time, the application’s efficiency improves and the delivery error rate decreases.

You can spend your time where the greatest customer value is provided thanks to the metrics on the use of individual features.

You can develop a product that is customized to the customer’s needs in this way.

Aspects of Continuous Delivery to be aware of.

Many themes and technical building blocks must be orchestrated in order for Continuous Delivery to work.

It’s not just a piece of technology. It’s all about application delivery and quality improvement. Many factors come into play: the application’s use metrics, the infrastructure that must be reliable, the company that publishes the software using quality criteria, and the person in charge of the app who needs to know which version is currently in development.

Continuous Delivery is a trip with a specific destination in mind. The path should be completed in stages so that the company is not overburdened. Since the technological advancements are so complex, the journey principle must be modified before the target can be achieved.

The Hybrid Cloud or Multi Cloud is a major problem with Continuous Delivery. This necessitates a rethinking of continuous delivery implementation, with more abstraction and less vertical integration.

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